Soy candles have become increasingly popular over the past several years and candle makers seem proud to advertise it on the packaging. But what's so special about soy candles?
Our friends at Mala the Brand explain:
"One of the more common waxes used [for candles] is paraffin. Paraffins, made from a by-product of petroleum, are most commonly used in mass-produced stores as they give incredible throw (the scent that emits when burnt) for a lower amount of fragrance (cheaper to make). The downsides of paraffin are that it can be toxic to animals and even humans when burnt (releases carcinogens!)"
Soy candles, on the other hand, are made from soybeans which are a fully renewable source that is 100% biodegradable!
See the chart below for a comparison between the two waxes:
That's what makes soy candles so special and why you should consider swapping out your paraffin-based candles to soy.
Shop soy candles
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